Thanksgiving Recap And Future Gathering Readiness

It was a stellar one. Simple and sweet. With a perfect, West Coast twist.

we did our baking

berry was first to get its marching orders, followed by pumpkin 

my cutie pie made her own cute pie

... and also adorable signs and place cards

tabletop was sparse and basically season-less, just like california

these were the best homegrown green olives, a hostess gift
they went gloriously with dried apricots + cheese for starters

maximum simplicity

When one of my brothers arrived, he pointed out that it was eighty degrees outside (sorry, rest of the country) and why on earth was our table in the house. We immediately lifted it up, settings and all, and carried it to the backyard just in time to sit down. Brilliant.

It turned into the most beautiful, unplanned meal al fresco for Thanksgiving. We started at around three o'clock, and I stayed sleeveless into the dark. 

it was back inside only to grab some of this 

Unless it's raining, I'll be doing Thanksgiving this way every year from now on. And probably every other holiday as well. And maybe even dinner this weekend.

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